Friday, August 28, 2020

Requisitos para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico

Requisitos para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico Para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico aplican las mismas leyes que para hacerlo an Estados Unidos. Esto es asã ­ porque es un territorio que forma parte de la Commonwealth de ese paã ­s, aunque no es uno de los 50 estados que conforman la uniã ³n americana.â Este artã ­culo informa sobre el importante asunto de la ciudadanã ­a History of the U.S y los puertorriqueã ±os, las consecuencias migratorias derivadas del estatus particular de Puerto Rico, las reglas para viajar a la isla y, finalmente, se hace referencia an otros territorios con estatus comparative al de Puerto Rico.  ¿Sabà ­a usted? Puerto Rico es un Territorio Libre Asociado de Estados Unidos, conocido como federation. Las leyes migratorias de la isla child exactamente las mismas que las de Estados Unidos, tanto para migrantes como para visitantes. Ciudadanã ­a estadounidense y Puerto Rico Desde su nacimiento, los puertorriqueã ±os tienen pasaporte de los Estados Unidos. Es asã ­ en virtud de la Ley Jones-Shafroth, del 2 de marzo de 1917, que reconoce a los puertorriqueã ±os la ciudadanã ­a History of the U.S al mismo tiempo que reconoce que tambiã ©n poseen la ciudadanã ­a puertorriqueã ±a. La excepciã ³n es para aquellas personas - muy pocas-que deciden renunciar a la primera y quedarse sã ³lo con la segunda. La ley permitiã ³ que quien asã ­ lo desease podã ­a renunciar a la ciudadanã ­a History of the U.S y conservar sã ³lo la puertorriqueã ±a ya que, como se ha reconocido en varias ocasiones, ambas nacionalidades child diferentes y separadas. En 1917 menos de 300 personas decidieron conservar sã ³lo la ciudadanã ­a de la isla. Pero debido al estatus particular de Puerto Rico, los puertorriqueã ±os no votan en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos ni tienen representaciã ³n de senador ni representante con voto en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. Sin ban, tasks los puertorriqueã ±os que residen habitualmente en uno de los 50 estados de la uniã ³n, sã ­ pueden hacerlo. Consecuencias migratorias del estatus particular de Puerto Rico Las leyes migratorias de Puerto Rico child, en realidad, las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, no feed otras. Esto tiene las siguientes consecuencias: En groundwork lugar, para emigrar a Puerto Rico roughage que seguir uno de los 29 caminos abiertos para emigrar (green card) an Estados Unidos. Exactamente los mismos. En segundo lugar, como los puertorriqueã ±os child ciudadanos, losâ puertorriqueã ±os pueden pedir a sus esposos extranjeros o a sus novios, tanto si residen en la isla como si viven en uno de los 50 estados de la uniã ³n Yankee folklore o, incluso, en otros territorios, como Samoa, las Islas Vã ­rgenes Americanas o Guam. En tercer lugar, para viajar como turista o con cualquier tipo de visa no inmigrante a Puerto Rico aplican exactamente las mismas leyes que para Estados Unidos. Absolutamente no feed ninguna diferencia y no es ms fcil que aprueben las visas si el destino es Puerto Rico. Es exactamente igual pedirla cuando el destino es San Juan o cuando es Miami o Nueva York. Viajar a Puerto Rico Las reglas para viajar a Puerto Rico dependen del lugar y, en algunos casos, de la situaciã ³n migratoria de la persona que desea ir a la isla. Asã ­, en el caso de ser turistas extranjeros que se encuentran fuera de EE.UU., si pertenecen an un paã ­s del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas pueden viajar sin visado por un plazo mximo de 90 dã ­as, pero es necesaria la ESTA si se llega por aviã ³n. En los dems casos es necesario solicitar una visa de turista standard y acudir a la entrevista a la embajada o consulado americano que corresponda. Por otro lado, los ciudadanos americanos y los residentes permanentes legales que se encuentran en uno de los estados de EE.UU., pueden viajar a Puerto Rico con un documento que les permita embarcar, pudiendo utilizar sus licencias de manejar, si asã ­ lo desean. En cuanto a los extranjeros con visa vigente que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y desean viajar a la isla, debern llevar sus pasaportes. Para evitar problemas, los estudiantes internacionales con visas F o M y aquellas personas con visa de intercambio (J-1) deben llevar los documentos adicionales que muestran que la visa est vigente, tipo I-20. Por à ºltimo, los indocumentados deberã ­an intentar evitar volar a Puerto Rico, incluso aquellos que tienen un documento vlido para volar domã ©sticamente en Estados Unidos. La razã ³n es que se sobrevuelan aguas internacionales y se han reportado casos de problemas en vuelos de esas caracterã ­sticas, como los que comunican Alaska y Hawaii con los 48 estados contiguos. Otros territorios de EE.UU. en los que aplican sus leyes migratorias Estados Unidos es un paã ­s government compuesto por 50 estados. Los dos à ºltimos en unirse fueron Hawaii y Alaska. Los nacidos en esos territorios child, al mismo tiempo, ciudadanos y nacionales. Puerto Rico no es el à ºnico territorio de Estados Unidos. Guam, las Marianas del Norte o las Islas Vã ­rgenes Americanas child otros ejemplos, los allã ­ nacidos child ciudadanos americanos. Tambiã ©n los nacidos en cualquiera de esas islas child ciudadanos y nacionales de EE.UU. Sin ban, las personas nacidas en los territorios americanos de Samoa child solo nacionales. Aunque tienen pasaporte de EE.UU. y pueden vivir y trabajar en los 50 estados sin ningã ºn tipo de lã ­mite, quienes viven en dichos estados no pueden ni votar ni ser elegidos en elecciones. En Guam, Islas Vã ­rgenes Americanas, las Marianas del Norte y Samoa aplican las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, como sucede en Puerto Rico. EE.UU. tiene, adems, otros 11 territorios que se encuentran en el Pacã ­fico y en el Caribe, pero no estn habitados continuamente ni tienen poblaciã ³n nativa, entre los que destacan el atolã ³n Palmyra y las islas Midway y Wake. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Crucible Essays (826 words) - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible

The Crucible Essays (826 words) - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible The Crucible The crumbling of Salem's social structure hastened the killings of numerous guiltless individuals. Arthur Miller's delineation of the Salem witch preliminaries, The Crucible, bargains with a network that begins appearing as though it is closely knit and church adoring. It turns out that once Tituba begins pointing her finger at the witches, the network begins pointing their fingers at one another. Mania and shrouded motivation separate the social structure and afterward everybody must shield themselves from the individuals that they thought were their companions. The congregation, lawful framework and the harmony of the network passed on with the goal that youngsters could secure their families' economic wellbeing. Being separated from some other gathering of individuals with various convictions made a church drove Puritan culture that couldn't acknowledge a ton of progress. The congregation was against the fiend, simultaneously it was against such things as moving and other untimely acts. The notoriety of the family was critical to the individuals from the network. At the point when the young ladies were found moving in the forested areas, they deceived ensure not simply themselves yet the notoriety of their families. They guaranteed that the fiend took them over furthermore, impacted them to move. The young ladies additionally said that they saw individuals from the town remaining with the fallen angel. A people group living in a puritan culture like Salem could without much of a stretch go into a riotous state and make some troublesome memories managing what they consider to be the biggest type of malevolence. Salem's panic caused the network to lose confidence in the profound convictions that they were attempting to carefully implement. The congregation lost a considerable lot of its parishioners in light of the fact that the enthusiasm of the town was presently on Abigail in light of the fact that individuals needed to realize who was going to be named straightaway. At the point when the congregation was attempting to banish John Proctor, there were insufficient individuals at chapel to do it. The individuals were getting misdirected so far as to leave a blade stuck in the entryway of their pastor's home: Today, when I open my entryway to leave my housea blade rattled to the ground...There is risk for me.(128) were Parris' careful words. With the transport of God dreading for his life there was no more anybody however Abigail to lead the network. The equity framework is intended to ensure the individuals that it serves yet during the preliminaries the denounced witch had two options, demise or detainment. The discipline of death was given to all individuals that argued not liable; the other discipline was to confess furthermore, go to prison. John Proctor gave his perspective on the equity framework when he said I like not the smell of this 'authority' (29). Also, do you realize that close to 400 are in the correctional facilities from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?(85) said Danforth, depicting the number of individuals that were in prison on charges of black magic. There were such huge numbers of individuals executed that Hale remarked there are vagrants meandering from house to house; surrendered dairy cattle roar on the highroads, the smell of decaying crops hangs everywhere...(130) Salem was transforming into an apparition town. With Abigail controlling the network, the congregation done getting the entire town to petition, and a crooked legitimate framework, it is regular that the individuals were in a condition of absolute bedlam. The unexplained was brought about by the demon, so a few individuals from Salem utilized the unexplained to further their potential benefit. Mrs. Putnam came clean when she stated, There are wheels inside wheels in this town, and flames inside fires!(26) Mrs. Putnam did her offer of spreading gossipy tidbits after she heard that the young ladies were flying, so she asked Parris How high did she (Abigail) fly, how high?(11). These gossipy tidbits happened in light of the fact that individuals didn't need any accuse put for to themselves. This 'avoiding any responsibility' made individuals begin battling with each other, for example, Corey charging Putnam of having his little girl denounce an inhabitant of black magic so as to get Corey's territory. Abigail utilized her capacity of getting individuals to hear her out furthering her potential benefit when she accused Proctor's mate of being a witch so Abigail could live with John. This again demonstrates Abigail had control of the

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Nuiances of Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples

The Nuiances of Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples To begin with, you can include as many paragraphs as possible based on the ideas which you have. You've got to organize your ideas. Bear in mind it cannot be a single subject! You can also enjoy the outline examples. The program may be used as additional essay help. Your capability to make a superb paper is dependent on structuring an ideal outline. Using our professional essay writing service, you obtain a variety of free services including totally free revisions, totally free cover page and outline, absolutely free formatting upon request, completely free editing, and totally free essay shipping. You can also enjoy the outline templates. You might also like the term essay templates. You could also understand the evaluation essay templates. The project outline template chapter outline templates essay outline template and more are offered for access at any moment and they are rather useful for first-time use along with reuse. If you don't have a precise plan and you're not organized during the evolution of the paper, you will get so confused your mind will be totally blocked. If you are going to write a comparative essay, you will need to get a notion of the impacts of distinct aspects to the result which you can get at the conclusion of the writing activity. The very first thing you ought to keep in mind is that the sources you use ought to be relevant and contemporary, not older than five decades. Every bit of writing will be created in accordance with your requirements and the criteria you provide. Even if conversing with one another, an extremely polite strategy i s followed by Japanese folks. If you're not that confident about your writing skills or are running out of time, there's a good approach that will help you submit the essay that you require. On the other hand there's not anything wrong with getting assistance from an excellent consultant on the right outline format. While proofreading takes lots of time and energy, it's an enjoyable thing to do. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples - the Conspiracy In the event of a conventional five-paragraph essay, it's sufficient to include three paragraphs like in our outline. When you must compose a compare and contrast essay, first thing you ought to do is prewriting. Therefore, when you have difficulties about how to compose a contrast essay, just stick to the tips outlined above. For example, an exceptional compare and contrast essay outline example is one which utilizes descriptive words and very clear pronoun references. You are able to choose books from fiction and non-fiction categories but make sure whatever books you pick, they are from the exact same category. Your thesis is the fundamental argument your whole essay will revolve around. Right after the introduction, you will need to give the thesis statement. The thesis statement stipulates the principal point of or ideas inside your essay. Facts, Fiction and Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples Essentially, the body needs a balanced diet for optimal functioning. When you have the title and aspects to compare but without a definite number of criteria to cover similarities and differences, you've got to brainstorm. When you begin brainstorming and researching the subject, the odds are high you'll discover a wide collection of differences and similarities. In the end, you must show the importance of the differences. A thesis takes a vital role in the entire essay writing process as it essentially sets the mood for the entire essay. To begin with, in the same way as any other bit of academic writing, a comparative essay ought to have an objective. When it has to do with writing an essay, you have to pay attention to details. You might also understand the leadership essay. Even before you start working on your outline, and as soon as you start analyzing the prompt and brainstorming, you ought to have started thinking regarding the aspects that ought to be highlighted, or so the work would be engaging for readers. Bear in mind, exactly like in other forms of essays, thorough research is extremely relevant here, too. You should bear in mind that such an essay is about presenting your point of view and backing it by reliable sources and data. After the essay requires a large number of approaches to explore, it's important to understand how to organize it correctly in an attempt to guarantee easy reading. Here's What I Know About Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples Well-written samples will reveal to you the should highlight your principal points explicitly, therefore don't be indirect or vague. Besides, it is going to help you maintain your thoughts organized and well-structured. Morgan, on the flip side, is a 50-pound sweetheart who's content with whatever is happening.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Example Answers to Tasks on STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2593 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The purpose of this assignment will try to critically examine the short coming in CPP (NALCO), human resource management. It will try to explain the importance of strategic of human resource management and it probable contribution to the company. Human resource is the backbone of an organisation. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Example Answers to Tasks on STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT" essay for you Create order Strategic human resource management is a branch of human resource management. In an organization SHRM means accepting and involving the HR function as a strategic partner in the formulation and implementation of the companys strategies through HR activities such as recruiting, selecting, training and rewarding personnel. Armstrong (2000). Strategic Human Resource Management is a concept that integrates traditional human resource management activities within an organisations overall strategic planning and implementation. SHRM integrates human resource considerations with other physical, financial and technological resources in the setting of goals and solving complex organisational problems. Legnick-Hall Legnick- hall, (1988). Case study NALCO The case study discusses about the human resource management policies adopted by Captive Power Plant (CPP), a power plant set up by National Aluminium Company (NALCO) in India. The study discusses about the human resource development in the organisation and the practices with the organisations overall corporate strategy. It details relate to the employee training, training and development, mentoring and work-life balance. It also describes how the organisation has established a culture of poor performance and struggling to achieve its strategic goals. The case study concludes with the suggestion on whether the CPP can further optimize its returns by modifying its HRM practices to prepare itself for the future. TASK-1 Purpose of the Strategic Human Resource Management in CPP (NALCO) The purpose of Strategic Human Resource Management is to create strategic capability by ensuring that the company has the well-motivated, skilled and committed employees to achieve its strategic goals and to provide a sense direction in a turbulent environment. SHRM consists with both Human capital requirements and the development of the process. It provides a perspective way in critical issues or in success factors which relates to people, major impact on strategic decisions and success of the organisation. Todays corporate world became an extremely complex and competitive market. Scaling and heights of the success in business is not easy task. Now a day for any organisation, employees play a key role to success of the organisation. It does not mean that only an employee will do the best job, but also means that every employee must be right for the job what they are doing. Captive Power Plant (CPP), a public sector power plant, a power unit on National Aluminium Company (NALCO) . It operates in an inclusive environment; this means a culture that gives stress on individual and cultural differences. The management of the company has very old and poor culture which has lack of flexibility among the employees. It has got an unstructured organisational culture. The company has lack of interest to the developing human resource, not interest on the employees. Although it is a very old company, the traditional management systems of the organisation still supporting. They are making policies of human resource which has been used by the management without any consultation of any other department. The management decision making in functional orientation of the company hampering the cross-functional perspective. So it is very complicated for the whole management system which can be a big loss for the organisation. For their hierarchical decision making, that can be effect on response from the employee. Organisational culture is made by the value of assumptions, bel iefs and those are shared by the whole members of the organisation. It has been created by the top level management or team members which presents the important unit of the work environment in which the employee do their jobs. The idea in this culture sometimes most of the employee cannot touch which is intangible, but it can be feel and follow. The management system and organisational culture affects all over the organisation. The work culture of CPP is not giving the important for its employees and executed by hierarchical and rigid culture. The company had adopted the traditional structure which needs a big change in responds to rapidly changing markets and conditions in order to competitive and grow. Good management culture motivated the employees to perform more and more and provide the optimum output for the organisation. Organisation should believe in the philosophy of people first than all other thing in the organisation. CPP has created an environment where the people ar e not happy to work. Most of the employee takes sick holiday, more absenteeism, irregular on work. Strategic human resource management is the way to help the company to satisfy the needs of the employees while desiring the goals. Human resource consult with any part of the company that effect on employees, such as training and development,, hiring and firing, pay incentives, safety information and sick or vacation days. However, the management of the company pointed out that it could not allow highly accelerated career growth due to the companys unstable career policy. The company felt that there is no job secure in the company. It has to considerable the stability at the company, so that employee can work stress-free and could give their best to the company. TASK-2 Developing Human Resource Plan An organisation always thrives on challenges and tries to overcome those and prove itself to its effort to prosper. Many organisations fall upon major assets, the human resource to achieve its strategic goals. Forcefully workforce in an organisation is not a key of chance. In fact CPP has led the public sector undertaking in setting traditional management structure. Human resource is the back bone of any organisation. It provides the most important policies for the organisation to achieve its objectives. As the time of developing and expanding of the organisation, the human resource department of the organisation needs to change the policy and the regulation according to the employee satisfaction. So it helps the organisation to achieve its strategic goals. The main elements of human resources are like planning, recruiting, training and development, performance and measurement. Planning is a process of determining the strategic goals of an organisation and developing the stra tegies with the operation and utilizing resources towards setting goals and objective. A human resource manager needs to plan for the future according to the external environment of the company like competitor, government policy, and labour market. He needs to know if there are required skills needed or if there are few people with the type of skill needed by the company. It is all about recruiting the right people and developing them with the new strategy. In case of recruitment and selection it is very important to know when, why and how to recruit staff. Organisation recruit the employee so business can be expand and changing job roles within the business because of new skills and new technology. Employees are also recruited due to the company needs to fill the vacancies. Training could be defined as a learning experience or activity of the work, making the high performance of employees which will turn the business successful. Training provides to the employee to contribute the effective of an organisation, while on the other hand employee also get development itself. In order to competitive business the performance of the management needs to monitor employee effectively. Some of the organisation use to monitoring the performance of their employees like performance reviews, self-evaluation, peer evaluation and target setting for individual or group. TASK-3 Principal Impacts on Human Recourse Management The impact of strategic of human resource management in an organisational culture of a company, it influence by life values, thinking patterns and behavioural modes of senior managers and employees. When organisational culture and strategies of human resource management supplement each other, the strategies can exert their effectiveness and competitive advantages. The organisational culture provides an equal and open environment for the senior managers and the employees to communicate frankly and share their knowledge and study from each other. It is on the base of frequent communication, mutual supporting, and trust between employees. Improving the effectiveness of Human Resource Management CPP is a big company but recruits less amount of people during the year. It should be aim to ensure that they attract and offer employment, to either internal or external applicants who are most suitable for the current and future needs of the business. When there are some new opportunities for internal staff, the company has to advertise the new job. They have to advertise the job by using the Internet, newspapers and job centres. If anyone is interested then they can apply and if selection has been done that, they will go for an interview. For an interview the interviewer will ask the candidate a set of questions. This questioner will include questions, which will be the main objective or details of an employee, those the company is looking for. Training and development programme There are different types of training for different position. Company should provide the specific training every six months. Different types of training such has on going, training framework, care skills, health safety, legal, and multi- skill. Performance management The organisation should monitor the performance of its employees by giving them a review plan once a year depending on different department. To academic aspiration of employees company should sponsor employees to induct for courses which are basic require of an employee. To meet the strategic goal of becoming a learning organisation, company should integrated knowledge management system which will be facilitates tactic knowledge of employees for the future reference. Appraisal system has to be carried out every 12 months. An appraisal system is an opportunity to discuss with members of staff whats going well, what can be improved, how they would like to develop and any reasonable suggestion from any member of staff. At CPP these meeting are done between the manager and CPPs employee. These meeting are also confidential. The pay and reward system should be every year for the best member or members of staff that have contributed to the company in respectively. Organisation will give certificates of recognition, praise and value awards. Rewards and Recognition Creating a new organisational culture of rewards and recognitions through an events, function and celebration of various achievements and recognising the contributions for the success of organisation. Career Advancement Opportunities Talent management system in an organisational culture is to ensure that the commitment of meaningful growth new challenges for the employees. Talent management should comprise with performance management, career paths and leadership development. TASK- 4 Purpose of Human Resource Management Policies in an Organisation The purpose of Human resource management policies is to well establish, develop, maintain and communicate office policies throughout the entire company providing help, advise and consult with the employees ( Handling people is always hard task and difficult people are always hard to handle. With the help of Human Resource department, employees can work together in a cordial and friendly atmosphere with their peers to create an effective business mechanism. John Purcell (1993) considers that when in an organisation applied new policies and practices, it often associated with such words like organisational commitment, competence, empowerment, flexibility, organisation culture, performance, assessment, reward, teamwork, involvement, cooperation, harmonization, quality and learning. These policies are intended to support the effectiveness of the human resource function. An organisation introduces their Human Resource Policies for very different reason. Th ese are including: To support their general management strategy To follow the latest developments in effective people management To comply with existing or new rules and regulation Complying with the government rules and regulations To keep up with the competitors particularly in a tight labour market. Purpose of Human Resource Management Policies in CPP CPP has adopted a visionary approach to address the issue of corporate social responsibility since inception. CPP management takes every care to promote and fulfil the recreational and health requirements of the employees. It creates different social groups to organise their project with cultural traditions and social values. Recruitment and Selection policy Recruitment is the process of employing the staff in an organisation and then selection consists of choosing suitable candidate from the application form to fill the post. Recruiting procedure can be done through internally by recruitment within the firm or externally by recruiting people from outside. When in an organisation forming a recruitment policy, it comes with some elements like job analysis, job profile, recruitment advertising, selection techniques, interviews, references, medical examinations, asylum and immigration, documentation and equal opportunities monitoring. The recruitment policy had provisions to give preference to marginalised classes of society like the scheduled castes/tribes, economically backward classes, Ex-servicemen, persons uprooted from the project areas, physically handicapped and dependents of regular employees who die in harness. Specific provisions are made for reservation and concessions to SC/ST and physically handicapped persons. Recognition to employee CPP has introduced a combined team Award Scheme to bring in an inter-unit competitiveness in various areas of activity, leading to excellence and perfection. With this in mind CPP is introducing inter-project competitions in Productivity, Safety, House Keeping, Industrial Relations, and Improvement Protection in the Environment. The objective of the Award Scheme is to induce a Team Spirit amongst all employees of Projects/Stations, to bring in a sense of competitiveness amongst all employees and the teams and to reward the best performing project. Training development In organisation, training consists of the way of developing skills with productivity and quality of work and accepted as a method of improving the skill of employees in work environment. To meet the objective of the effective organisation it depends on skills, abilities and commitment of the employees who contribute the most important asset of the organisation. In CPP it has developed its own comprehensive training infrastructure, which envisages a minimum of 7 man days of training per employee per year. Gender equality The HR policies and the practices ensure gender equality. CPP is one of the few organizations to have a policy for grant of paternity leave. Adequate mechanism has been provided in the form of a committee for investigating complaints relating to sexual harassment of working women. CPP also taps rich resources available in families of employees. Ladies clubs at each of the projects utilises this potential for educational, health and other community development projects in and around the project areas. SC/ST CPP has endeavoured that it takes responsibility for adequate representation of SC/ST and OBC categories in employment. Towards this effort, there have been exclusive advertisements/notifications for employment of SC/ST category candidates. These vacancies are circulated to all accredited SC/ST associations as prescribed under Govt. guidelines. Social efforts for physical handicapped people CPP has a deep-rooted commitment to reach out and light up lives of physically challenged people. Apart from the medical camps as described above, equal employment opportunities are offered to this special category of individuals as defined under Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full participation) Act 1995. With 125 such persons already provided regular employment, 200 odd are more likely to be recruited at various projects in the near future. Such a massive effort of this magnitude has never been undertaken by any organisation in the past. This has been done because CPP has committed itself to provide enhanced employment opportunities to disabled persons. Health Safety The organization provides comprehensive medical care to employees and their families inclusive of primitive, curative and preventive healthcare. It also provides adequate health care to the community around the project sites. conclusion

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Muses in Greek Mythology and Art - 1643 Words

The Muses in Greek Mythology and Art The Muses were deities worshipped by the ancient Greeks. They were 9 women, sisters, whose sole purpose for being was that of the inspiration to mortal man, typically in an artistic capacity. The embodiment of the classical idea of the poetical faculty as a divine gift, these famous sisters dwelt on Mount Helicon, in Greece. The Muses were therefore both the embodiments and sponsors of performed metrical speech: mousike, whence music, was the art of the Muses. (nationbuilder) They were the â€Å"personification of poetic inspiration, the divine afflatus or breath which supposedly wafted itself into the poets inflamed mind†. The Muses of Greek mythology had one of the most important functions of all: to†¦show more content†¦Homer, the great Greek poet and writer often used wrote about the Muses, either as a whole, or singularly by name. Also, other historical writers did as well. Some examples being: Homer, Book 1 of The Odyssey â€Å"Tell me, O Muse, of that ingenious hero who traveled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy.† (Homer) And Dante Alighieri (mid-May to mid-June 1265), in Canto II of The Inferno; O Muses, O high genius, aid me now! O memory that noted what I saw. Now shall your true nobility be seen! (Dante) Euripides (ca. 480 BC–406 BC) who was the last of the three great tragedians of classical Athens wrote When two poets produce a hymn, the Muses are wont to work strife between them. (Maidens of Phthia. Euripides, Andromache 476). (Euripides) Shakespeare used the Muses as instruments of his love in his sonnets. The broadness of emotions and scenarios that Shakespeare wrote about in his works, he may have evoked all nine of the Muses for inspiration. There are many references to them throughout the sonnets. For example, Sonnet 100 of which the first line reads:_Where art thou, Muse, that thou forgetst so long (Shakespeare). These writers used the Muses to give an artistic and creative perspective to their storytelling. This was done in most part by just referencing them, however, story did not need to include them by individual name. Many Enlightenment figuresShow MoreRelatedGreek And Roman Painting And Floor Mosaic Essay1228 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction to Ancient Art in Greek and Roman Mural Painting and Floor Mosaic, I have developed a greater understanding of art in the ancient Mediterranean world, in regards to ancient Rome and Greece. For the Fall 2016 semester, some of the knowledge that I have gained includes being able to visually analyze a work of art in its historical context. 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Stella is said to be Penelope Devereux, who did not or could not reciprocate the love and married Lord Rich. It is, in fact, owing to the predisposition of the mind created by the Romantic tradition of subjective art that we sometimes relate and interpret the works of other writers of other periods before the Romantics to and in terms of their biographical accounts. It must be remembered that with  Loving in Truth  the Astrophil and Stella theme-sequence opens. SignificantlyRead MoreAnalysis of Ray Bradbury ´s Farenheit 451689 Words   |  3 Pagesthe novel is purely her ideas unlike other similar novels where romance is involved (this might create confusion in a small subset of readers). Clarisse is described like the mythical Greek goddess (her motion and imaginary), and in Greek mythology there are the Muses, who are Zeus’s daughters. They are in mythology considered the source of knowledge (Grill). Clarisse is then a symbol for knowledge and society a symbol of ignorance (mindless nature). This is also an important theme in the story.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Essay on Nursing Leadership With Advocacy For Advocacy Essay Example For Students

Essay on Nursing Leadership With Advocacy For Advocacy Essay Running head: COMBINNNG NURSING LEADERSHIP WITH ADVOCACY Combining Nurse Leader with AdvocacyIntroduction Being able to know individual strengths and weaknesses is so crucial in our lives other than our careers. It is not only the positivity s that matters, the negativities are very crucial too because they make us work harder to improving and getting better in what we do by helping us to achieve our goals after going through all those experiences. I have rated myself as a nurse by using the nurse manager inventory tool and saw a lot of competences on my experiences/skills. I also rated my strength and weaknesses. According to Merriam-Webster s collegiate(R) dictionary, Strength is defined as the quality or state of being strong (Strength. 2012). Weaknesses is defined as lack of strength (Weakness. 1997). Self-Understanding helps individual in his or her recognition of weaknesses assisting the person to overcoming any shortcomings in the nursing field (Carson, 2005). To be a good leader, you must be empowered with the Knowledge on strengths and weaknesses. Personal accountability hold us responsible for the work that we do followed by the quality of their actions by others (Basset, 2005). With this paper, I will be able to write after rating myself on strengths and weaknesses in connection to personal and professional accountability, career planning, personal journey discipline, and reflective practice reference /tenets. Again, I am going to discuss on how to use current leadership skill to advocate for change at workplace. Finally, I am going to recognize and implementation plan on achieving personal goal on leadership growth.Strengths and weaknesses PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY Accountabi. ., in age, our race, and in religion. One of the ways to this possibility is by attending action-learning groups, a place that I can meet with colleagues and friends for interaction because busy nursing work make this impossible to do. Another chance is my involvement in social affairs in my community. With these techniques, I wish to earn a big recognition of diversity which would help me to acknowledge workmate viewpoint thereby giving support in participation to decision or resolution making. ConclusionTo conclude this essay, it is obvious that nurse manager inventory tools if used properly as stated on career planning, personal journey discipline, accountability and reflective practice, they all aim at personal growth that can be used at home and at work and lead individual to leadership role. It gives more appetite for more education and being more ethical.